for his wealthy New York (London, & European) JEWISH PAYMASTERS in the carriage,
who in turn are a caricature of the infamously overweight London Rothschilds...
TROTSKY cartoon WHIPS RUSSIAN serfs as BEAST of BURDEN _SLAVES_ for his RICH JEW paymasters |
Trotsky's fellow JEWISH COMMISSAR mass-murder, executioner, & ARCHITECT of RED TERROR MASSACRES, summary executions of hapless prisoners, and JUDEO, _pretend_ "Communism" war on humanity
Lazar Kaganovich was Stalin's jewish working-class alter-ego, and mastermind/executioner architect
of STALIN's GREATEST, MOST TERRIBLE, and MOST MASS-MURDEROUS PURGE, the wholesale WIPING-OUT of UKRAINIAN FARMERS, _labeled_ "Kulaks," "Counter-Revolutionaries," and ENEMIES OF THE STATE
and by their Commissar media propagandists...
victims who were STARVED, TORTURED, TERRORISED, IMPRISONED, worked-to-death, shipped to death-camp Siberian gulatgs, and MASSACRED by Stalin, Kaganovich, and their hordes of Red Terror, KGB, NKVD, Red Army, and other 'appartchiks' henchmen, .
who used those propaganda labels as an excuse
SIEZE all the agricultural produce from the rich Ukrainian farms...
and then STARVED the citizenry as Moscow shipped the grain harvests from rural farm regions to cities ruled by the guns of the Commissar elites.
In many cases entire villages and towns were wiped out, DEPOPULATED,
entire communities shipped to Siberian work/DEATH CAMPS ("gulags") with no possessions but the clothes on their backs, and certainly not enough warm clothing to survive the frigid Siberian gulag DEATH-CAMP conditions.
In some cases entire villages STARVED to death... as the GRAINS harvested from local farms was
LOOTED by Kaganovich's personally directed COMMISSAR THUGS and locked up in local grain silos under KGB and Commissar keys as locals STARVED TO DEATH WITHIN SIGHT of the fully stocked grain silos....
STARVING THE LOCALS TO DEATH was _the INTENT_ of government policy,
especially when "chosen by g-o-d" JUDEO 'elites' hijack a target nations economy (finances), food production, and military/police-state repression machine (all backed up by relentless, 24/7 judeo "for the good of the nation" treacherous, insidious, relentlessly lying, portray opponents as "the enemy" propaganda)
Kaganovich was instrumental in STALIN'S USURPING of the Communist Revolution from LEO TROTSKY and the other POWERFUL JEWS "Bolsheviks" AROUND TROTSKY,
who all advocated permanent
the "permanent struggle" of "Glorious Communist Revolution" to
"OVERTHROW the BOURGEOISIE" - the Marxt/Engels/Leninist term concocted to describe MIDDLE-CLASS, paper-pushing European managers, lawyers, accountants, draftsmen, printers, engineers, and the whole raft of managerial class employees who
(while sometimes independent entrepreneurs) generally worked for the industrial age titans & magnates of huge industries like the iron, steel, shipping, railroad, oil, textiles, and other industries.
COMMUNISM, according to Marx/Engels/Lenin ideology, was OSTENSIBLY about OVERTHROWING these middle-class managers and their "capitalist" billionaire overlords...
Communism was REALLY merely the SECULAR, pretend-non-religious version of JUDAISM....
which is where the Trotskyites got their "global war of revolution" from,
because JUDAISM posits a world-wide, ETERNAL WAR AGAINST NON-JEWS,
the judeo bible's admonition to jews "thou shalt RULE ALL NATIONS."
Communism was NEVER about "the workers and proletariat" - who were always tortured, terrorized, EXECUTED, or SHIPPED to the GULAGS en masse for DARING to strike or demand better wages and benefits -
No, COMMUNISM was about the ELITE MANAGERS, politicians, bureaucrats, and powerful elites OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY - aka "the bourgeoisie" !!
However much the Communists derided "CAPITALISM".... IT TOOK CAPITAL to build the great industrial plants, manufacturing centers, farm equipment, railroads, dockyards, dams, mines, oil fields, and other industrial & resource extraction assets that were always at the core of the Communists "Five Year Plans" command economy!
HOWEVER MUCH the "Communists" DERIDED the "bourgeoisie" - IT TOOK MANAGERS, ACCOUNTANTS, draftsmen, engineers, technicians, and other middle-class, above-labor jobs to build the Communist empire "the Soviet Union"!!
Kaganovich was a poor, WORKING CLASS JEW who, while he shared the intellectual, academic Trotsky, Kamenev, Litvinov, Kirov (et al) Jews' HATRED for RUSSIANS, UKRAINIANS, GEORGIANS, and all other non-Jewish nationalities in the former Czarist empire, Kaganovich and Stalin did not embrace the Trotsky fanaticism of "global, eternal revolution" - for the simple reason that they were more pragmatic, and realized that it was one thing to conquer backwards, divided, illiterate, peasant Russians... but it was a whole different item to take on the French, Germans, Austrians, and British empires. It was this MORE PRAGMATIC blend of Stalin/Kaganovich "Soviet" Communism - focused on maintaining their murderous choke-hold over the former Czarist empire
(while always looking to create mischief and instability abroad, not as determined to do so as the Trotskyites)
- that PREVAILED when, with Kaganovich's backing, Stalin essentially perpetrated a PALACE COUP, and got Lenin's designated heir and Communist Party 'golden boy' Trotsky first DEMOTED, then EXILED to Mexico... where he (Trotsky) ostensibly stayed in the palatial compound of one of his WEALTHY JEWISH SUPPORTERS.
Having won the battle within the party for 'pragmatic' Russian-empire centered Communism ("Soviet" Communism) vs "permanent global revolution," STALIN & Kaganovich GAINED THE FINANCIAL BACKING of JEW BILLIONAIRES in EUROPE & AMERICA.... and get back down to their grim business of WAGING RACE-WAR against not only UKRAINIANS, LITHUANIANS, LATVIANS, KAZAKHS, Georgians, and all other ethnic minorities within the (former) Russian empire.... but the duo could also switch their RED TERROR MASS-MURDER machine, from the now conquered and devastated Ukrainians... BACK TOWARDS RUSSIANS THEMSELVES, the nominal "host" ethnicity of the "Communist Revolution" !!
THE JEWS RUNNING the "Russian" Communist Revolution" WIPED OUT ALL COMPETING Russian revolutionaries... as a prelude to WIPING OUT the ENTIRE RUSSIAN INTELLECTUAL & LEADERSHIP classes, the "GREAT TERROR" Commissar purges!
For more on the HORRIFIC STORY of the JEWISH OVERLORDS of the so-called "Russian COMMUNIST Revolution"
see this informative booklet written at the very height of the RED TERROR, Commissar run MASS-MURDER PURGES that depopulated entire towns and regions of the Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, and satellite states....
free booklet on-line:
For those who believe we are being "ANTI-SEMITIC" for posting these videos and comments....
the substance of our allegations are ALL SUPPORTED by JEWISH WRITERS
this book was written by Kaganovich's own JEWISH GREAT-NEPHEW, whose father, Kaganovich's nephew, migrated to America in the 1930s and changed the family name from "Kaganovich" to "Kahan"... |
"STALIN's JEWS" - written by JEWISH writer SEVER PLOCKER, writing in the JEWISH owned "Y-net News" _acknowledges_ that STALIN'S TOP PERPETRATORS of MASS-MURDERS, GULAG DEATH CAMPS, and INTENTIONAL FAMINE DEPOPULATION were in many instance JEWISH Commissars... running a "CARNIVAL" of SADISM, MASS-MURDER, and anti-humanity blood-lust |
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.
His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."
"In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil."
Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history."
hi I've been reading your blogs its great stuff. I found out that Roman Polanski's father was stalins hitman genrikh yagoda..who was the author b. traven and roman publishes about his and his father crimes under the name thomas pynchon its really sick disturbing things i have been trying to make people aware of to no avail. roman is an inbred rothschild and he works with CIA FBI Mossad in staging false flags like the manson hoax trafficking children worldwide he even lives next to his own child brothel in gstaad. he runs child sex slavery blackmail ring with mossad. and his own works prove all of it. hes even threated to kill me and has tried to get my address which i wont give hm. he really isnt very bright. if people caught on to all of this he would be screwed.
ReplyDeletealso roman and sharon tates son is jj abrams and he is trafficking children with CIA also through childrens defense fund and he published a book ship of theseus and its how i figured all of this out. i write a blog i dont know if i can share a link to it here!?
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