Wednesday, March 19, 2014

DEMONIC JUDAISM: the Psychological and BIOLOGICAL ROOTS of the 'Judeo Elites' JEWISH WAR ON HUMANITY....

 This is a companion blog to our "TheJewishWars" blog on the destruction, degeneration, and devolution of America, by the treasonous Jewish War Lobby and their bribed, extorted, and complicit "goy" (non jewish) partners in crime & treason,  in this ever increasingly catastrophic first two decades of this 21st century.

   We had sought to provide some analysis for these psychological,  mythical, historical, and ethno-religious undercurrents of  the treasonous "fifth column" judeo SABOTAGE DESTRUCTION of America - and global peaceful cooperation -  in our "TheJewishWars" blog,  but with the on-going JEWISH PROXY WARS on SYRIA, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, Europe, Britain, North Africa, Africa, the Mideast - nd of course against the American host population - all on-going simultaneously, we've literally been at our wit's end merely trying to get a handle on the series atrocities and war-crimes as they occur.... much less finding the time to go back and address the more powerful historical precedents and undercurrents, from the past, for these present day crimes and atrocities being perpetrated against the people of these (late) United States and the world. 

In broadest outline, we hope to discuss how Judaism EXTOLLS, instructs, and CELEBRATES the KILLING OF NON-JEWS.      This - the KILLING of non-jewish humans - is indeed the CORE of Judaism,  which is exactly why this blog is titled "DEMONIC JUDAISM."    

   We must immediately note that, according to strict, "observant," 'orthodox',  or fundamentalist jews,  NON-Jews DON'T EVEN COUNT AS HUMAN,   so from their point of view it is WE  who are "DEMONIC" -  beast-like, savage, useful only as a source of profits to them, the jewish master race,  and, indeed, the literal translation for the jewish word "GOYIM", or 'goy' for short)  used to describe non-jews,  literally means "VERMIN"! 

  So,  clearly, the core issue of this on-going essay (blog)  is that  WE  consider them - racists, bigoted, theocratic,  fundamentalist, intolerant, and humanity-despising jews to be "DEMONIC" in their lust to extort, demean, diminish, and destroy all non jews;   while they consider this blog to be "anti-semitic";  by which they mean "anti-human,"  subversive, seditious, and vermin-like (or demonic) because only  observant jews qualify as truly human.

      We contend that the vast majority of humans  would  consider  this core, fundamentalist nature of judaism to be demonic...  IF  most people understood the nature and ideals',  or ideology, of racist, remorseless, uncompromising,  despise-the-goyim judaism.   It is therefore our duty to examine, publish, and bring to public attention these deeply held judeo notions of their contempt, loathing, and spite for the human race. 

   So we will start our examination in to the with a real-life historical incident,  THE KITOS WAR, where Jews living in the then ROMAN COLONIES of  North Africa,  simply arose and started SLAUGHTERING their Roman AND GREEK NEIGHBORS.. until the entire  non-jewish populations of those provinces had been EXTERMINATED. 

   The Kitos War is an important sign-post and lesson for two reasons:    it illustrates the willingness of even "FRIENDLY" jews to  go along with their religious brethren (which is to say, their demonic leaders)  and rise up and try to EXTERMINATE their neighbors...

  ...and,  #2.  the Kitos war illustrates the power of what we loosely call "THE JEWISH LOBBY" - or the "JEWISH WAR LOBBY" to be more precise -   to CONTROL the information that EVEN nominally 'CHRISTIAN,'  modern,  Western, European & American nations  see, hear, and know about their own historical roots and formative past! 
   While the argument could be made that the JEWISH TAKEOVER of  Western  corporate mass-media -  jewish owned news, radio, TV, movies, and entertainment media empires -  is a recent phenomena, only within the past 100 years,    the very fact that  most Americans and Western Europeans are completely unawares of the horrific story of the Kitos war suggests that there has been  a pro-Judeo  'media', cultural,  or academic bias for a very long time. 

Note wikipedia's  very minimalist rhetoric used to describe a war, by jews,  that EXTERMINATED the entire population of their Greek & Roman neighbors, what wiki's authors describe as "a REVOLT":
The Kitos War (115–117) (Hebrew: מרד הגלויות‎: mered ha'galuyot or mered ha'tfutzot (מרד התפוצות); translation: rebellion of the exile) is the name given to the second of the Jewish–Roman wars. Major revolts by diasporic Jews in Cyrene (Cyrenaica), Cyprus, Mesopotamia and Aegyptus spiraled out of control [SAYS WHO?  IF  the INTENT of the Jewish 'revolt' leaders was to EXTERMINATE their non-jewish neighbors, this is a very subjective phrase] , resulting in a widespread slaughter of Roman citizens and others (200,000 in Cyrene, 240,000 in Cyprus according to Cassius Dio, but see below) by the Jewish rebels. The rebellions were finally crushed by Roman legionary forces, chiefly by the Roman general Lusius Quietus, whose nomen later gave the conflict its title, as "Kitos" is a later corruption of Quietus. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia itself says this about the Cyrene massacres:
"By this outbreak Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there (Eusebius, "Chronicle" from the Armenian, fourteenth year of Hadrian). Bishop Synesius, a native of Cyrene in the beginning of the fifth century, speaks of the devastations wrought by the Jews ("Do Regno," p. 2)."[4]

  As a second, real-life issue to cite in our inauguration post for this new blog,  we bring up the centuries-old  JEWISH INVOLVEMENT in the global SLAVE TRADE,    both as direct owners and participants in the slave trade,   and  as well the more INSIDIOUS,  "MODERN" form of  slavery,   PROFITEERING from BRUTAL, slave-like working conditions,  with many (jewish & other) industrialists and financiers becoming quite adept had hiding behind two, three or more layers of  intervening front companies, shell corporations, or puppet, proxy dictators.

    For example,  much is made of the mega- Jewish financiers  the Rothschilds becoming the richest family on earth,    with no comparison (even among the European royal families and empires they eventually ended up underwriting.. and subordinating) by the middle of the 1800s,  but even the most novice history student of American history would note that the decades leading up to the 1850s and 1860s saw the growth of the SLAVE BASED economic system and culture in America.

  Yet if you read most biographies about the Rothschilds, the focus is almost always at the top "financial" level - as if all those ill-gotten millions and billions were produced by the magic of the Rothschilds  financiers, and not the blood and sweat of  Black slaves providing sugar, cotton, or other agricultural products to hungry European importers, or  that the Judeo banking houses never profited from the "ENCLOSURES," "clearances,"  property confiscations,  food seizures, or other brutal elements of  mid-19th century industry and finance. 

     Indeed - before we attempt to write and entire encyclopedia in our first blog-post on the subject! - let us end this first post here, simply by pointing out that not only do jewish writers and jewish owned media  WHITEWASH the  JEWISH ROLE and JEWISH PROFITS from  the bloody SLAVE ECONOMIES and GENOCIDAL IMPERIALISM & colonial exploitation of the 19th & 20th centuries, 
    but in Washington D.C. the jewish lobby built a "HOLOCAUST museum" - long before any similar edifice was built to commemorate either Black (African) slaves killed in the long trans-Atlantic  slave trade, or the Native Americans wiped out by European invaders. 

     We posit that this imbalance in how victims are portrayed in American culture and history is no accident - not only is it a fundamental part of the European & American legacy of profiting from exploiting "the New World,"   but we assert that WIPING THE VICTIMS of  JEWISH AGGRESSION and GENOCIDE _out_ of the pages of history,  is a well-honed practice that goes right back 3,000+ years ago, to jews WIPING the MISERY FELT BY EGYPTIANS _out_ of their story of  Moses and the alleged 'Exodus' from Egypt....

  ...not only do the jews  treat their  Egyptian hosts as CONTEMPTIBLE cannon-fodder for Moses or the jew god to dispose of with no mercy,  but, upon establishing their own Hebrew country, 'Israel' under kings David and Solomon, the jewish bible proudly recounts  those two kings running a census... and  ENSLAVING the non-jews among them.

 QUITE SIMPLY, DEMONIC  JUDAISM  asserts that NON-JEWS ARE NOT EVEN HUMAN... and regardless of how deeply we delve into the despicable teachings of the Talmud and 'modern'  jewish yeshiva schools, the clear and unmistakable lesson of history is that  Jews are quite expert at whitewashing the  GENOCIDES  perpetrated against OTHER peoples in the world RIGHT OUT of the history books... because,   according to jews who tout their "special relation" with the g-o-d of the universe,      NON-JEWS  DON'T even qualify  AS HUMAN!  

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